Capacitive Sensors

capaNCDT 6500

Micro Epsilon Capacitive multi-channel system for Nanometer resolution

The capaNCDT 6500 can be used for multi-channel operation and is modular in its design. Up to eight sensors can be connected to the signal conditioning electronics (Euro-size cards) via a preamplifier module. For the DL6530 version, the pre-amplifier is integrated in the housing and is used for cable lengths up to 4 m (with CC cable) or 8 m (with CCg cable). For longer cable lengths, the external preamplifiers CP6001 or CPM6011 are used.


  • Measuring ranges (mm): 0.05 | 0.2 | 0.5 | 0.8 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 10
  • Resolution: max. 0.0375nm
  • Linearity: max. 0.01µm
  • Frequency response: 8.5kHz (-3dB)
  • Data rate (digital output): 7.8kHz
  • Analog output: (voltage/current)
  • Interfaces: Ethernet & EtherCAT
  • Modular Design: up to 8 channels
  • External or internal preamplifier
  • User-friendly set up and configuration via web interface