Capacitive Sensors

capaNCDT 6110

Micro Epsilon capaNCDT 6110 single channel capacitive electronics is compatible with all Micro-Epsilon capacitive sensor ranges.

The capaNCDT 6110 single channel capacitive electronics is compatible with all Micro-Epsilon capacitive sensor ranges. The analog measuring system stands out due to its compact design together with high performance. Due to the miniaturized design and its ease of use, the capaNCDT 6110 is ideally suited to integration in machines and facilities. The flexible 9-36 V power supply, enables the capaNCDT 6110 series to also be used in mobile applications. The capaNCDT 6110 stands out due to its excellent price/performance ratio, which makes it particularly suitable for high volume applications.


  • Perfect for measurements requiring high precision and stability
  • Supply voltage 24 VDC/55 mA (9 - 36 V)
  • Analog output (voltage)
  • Digital output RS485 with DT6120 Controller)
  • Measuring ranges (mm): 0.05 | 0.2 | 0.5 | 0.8 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 10
  • Resolution: max. 0.005 µm
  • Linearity: max. 0.025 µm